Friday, June 8, 2007

Discipleship or Spirit?

One thing I have been facing in the last few weeks is the question of pursuit. Everyone is screaming the term, "discipleship". I love discipleship and disciples making disciples and the ministry I am leading is doing this, but is my pursuit discipleship or is it the Spirit? My pursuit has absolutely been rapidly multiplying disciples and that is it. But, the problem is if I don't have disciplers that are passionately seeking Christ in every part of their lives. Then, I am going to have luke warm lines of disciples with messed up DNA. Many of my friends and brothers in Christ have taken discipleship and ran with it and I believe have left many undisciplined people in the dust as disciplers. I have felt more convicted in the last few weeks to focus more on my disciples lives in Christ first and then allow the Spirit to lead them as disciplers not me pushing them to disciple some one. God wants them to make disciples more than I do, so why do I feel it necessary to push someone into a discipling relationship!! Without allowing the Spirit of God to work we have nothing, just another hip ministry technique that no one will know anything about in 10 years!!! I hope that this discipleship movement will stay directly behind the lead of the Spirit and not go off into it's own little movement!!

1 comment:

Gordo said...

dude, i think i see what you're talking about. the guy i met with today was challenged in not leaning on what he's come to believe through church and other people or even his own thoughts, but to seek God in what his thoughts are on truth and love and how we should live. it was a good time. i feel like he's not finding any identity in me and he's losing his identity in Sunday morning. it's very exciting!