Monday, April 23, 2007

Start Going

My friends and I have come to many conclusions about ministry and church planting. The first is that we need to start believing the Great Commission, not just following it. So often in the buildings we call church we follow many things without first believing them. Meaning that we need to be willing to live it, eat it, breath it, and finally most importantly share it. God has laid out a ministry plan for us, but so often we go to the newest/exciting book or even the oldest book that was effective in starting a mega church. But guess what, that worked for them and more than likely it will not work for you at all!!!! We must have a mission that we believe, that can dream and talk about with excitement of our own, not someone else's excitement. We must start being the church ourselves. I know many of my friends post on here and many blogs and say the same thing, but I don't think we can say it enough. The main idea that God continually brings to me is to stop inviting people to a building and telling them that this is church, but instead go to their house and be real and show them that this is church.


Unknown said...

Welcome to the blogosphere bro! This is Bill, a friend of Bob Carder. My blog is

Make at least two blog posts per month on here and you'll earn the coveted privilege of being featured on my "organic church" blogroll. :-)

May God overwhelm you with kindness as you pursue His vision.

Joel Potter said...

Thanks Bill!! I'm not going to be as religious as Bob at updating, but I'll give it a shot. I'm still trying to figure all this setup stuff out on this page. But I'll continue to post as much as I can. Many blessings on you man!!!